Teton's expertise in AI & Machine Learning

Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence

TETON has expertise of working with the combination of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence with Deep Learning which is revolutionizing way of interacting with the technology. There are Deep Learning experts in our team who understands the subsets and AI as well that uses algorithms to learn from data and make decisions. We can customize and make the tools more powerful for solving complex problems for our customers, and use it in a variety of applications, from computer vision to natural language processing.

Our team has expertise of using deep Learning algorithms based on Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), which are networks of interconnected neurons that can be learned from given data. Our team is expert in training the ANNs using a variety of techniques, such as backpropagation, supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning. We use Deep Learning algorithms as well for a variety of tasks, such as statistical classification, feature extraction, cluster analysis, computer vision, and natural language processing.

One of the most popular Deep Learning algorithms we specialize in is the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN which we use mostly for image recognition and classification tasks, such as object detection and image segmentation. CNNs are composed of multiple layers of neurons, each of which is responsible for extracting features from the input data.

Another Deep Learning algorithm TETON got expertise in is the K-means clustering algorithm. We used it for unsupervised learning tasks for number of customers, such as clustering data points into groups. Our team can make the algorithm working by finding the optimal number of clusters and then assigning each data point to the closest cluster based on the customer’s need.

TETON has also expertise in feature engineering which is the process of extracting meaningful features from raw data. Generally, we use it to improve the accuracy of Deep Learning algorithms, as well as to reduce the complexity of the model.

We have expertise in random forest as well which is an ensemble learning algorithm that uses multiple decision trees to make predictions. We use the subset of the features randomly from the data and then building a decision tree based on those features.

For supervised learning algorithm, we use logistic regression to classify the tasks, such as predicting whether a customer will buy a product or not. We make the algorithm working by fitting a logistic curve to the data and then using the curve to make predictions.

Machine learning and AI will fundamentally transform society, from healthcare to transportation, and from entertainment to education. We’re just beginning to see the potential of these technologies.. Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google and Alphabet Inc.

TETON is totally focused to the identification and solving complex problems and use in a variety of applications. We got hands-on expertise in Artificial Neural Networks, Convolutional Neural Networks, K-means clustering, Random Forest, and Logistic regression. We consider feature engineering as an important part of Deep Learning, to improve the accuracy of the model.