Teton HRMS
Teton has every data on HRMS and previous history updated.
When company should look for HRMS
-HR department is loaded with work and doesn’t have time to perform all of its tasks
-Company is losing business and money on HR data/compliance errors
- Office is spread over multiple locations and has no unifying platform to connect employees
with management
- To increase the productivity, job satisfaction and retention
TForce will integrate core and strategic HR functions into one solution. It typically features an
employee self-service portal and a centralized database. It also automates administrative
processes, financial processes, leave management, Project & Tasks management, streamlines
recruiting and reduces turnover and other important factors to run an organization successfully.
Tforce is a complete organization operation solution that has a wide range of options in a
single solution. Basically it’s an one stop service platform.
Track Everything
Track employee daily attendance easily with employee Web Clock In and Clock Out. Check who is IN or OUT at a glance through the daily attendance view.

Functionality of
HR Calender

TForce provides literally every sort of solution for all possible challenges we face in handling HR related works. Great Work.